Whatever God Has Promised Will Happen In Your Life – Stella Ramola
“I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15
My dear friend, today we are meditating on a beautiful promise verse which is found in Genesis 28:15, where the Lord says, “I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” What a lovely promise from God!
When I read this verse, I remembered a small story. There was a father and a daughter. The daughter loved the father very much and she loved spending time with him. She enjoyed every moment she spent with her father whether it was playing with him or just talking with him or going out with him. Since her father was a very busy man, he would travel often and never be in town. But her father promised his daughter that he will be there for her Birthday and would take her out and have lots of fun together. The little daughter was so excited to spend her special day with her father and was looking forward to it. When her Birthday came, she told all her friends at school that she would be spending the day with her father. But they all discouraged her by saying that her father was a busy man and hence he will not be able to come for her Birthday as he had promised. But the little girl, without a shadow of doubt in her, said that her father will keep his promise and would definitely come to celebrate her birthday. So, after she came back from school, she stood in front of the window and kept waiting for her father eagerly to come home. She kept looking at the clock and right when it hit the time that her father had said that he would come, she saw him walking into the house towards her. She ran into her father’s arms and he held her so tight and wished her “happy birthday”. And the father did everything that he had promised his little girl that he would do. They celebrated her birthday together with such joy and the little girl was happy that her father did just as he had promised.
In the same way, my friend, God will never leave you until He has done what He has promised you. All His promises in your life will come to pass. Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” Accordingly, our unchanging God will do just as He has promised to you. You will receive it and will celebrate with the Lord with so much joy. So, expect the Lord to fulfill His promises in your life.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your beautiful promise. Thank You for You are a promise-keeping God. You will never leave me nor forsake me. Lord, I pray for You to fulfil all the promises You have spoken over my life. Let all the promises that I have been waiting to receive, be fulfilled in Your mighty name. Lord, I pray that You build my life for You are the lifter of my head. Lift me up to great heights just as you have promised me. I pray that You will open the doors so that I can walk into my blessing, today. Thank You, Lord, for You are not going to leave me until You have fulfilled Your every promise in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.